Monday, June 10, 2013

Pyjama Time

This is a film we made when we got up in the morning before breakfast at camp Kaitiawa.The people in this trailer are Liam, Henry, Joshua and me.
Pyjama Time from Room16 Parkvale on Vimeo.


  1. Great job guys. You did really well with the vimeo. Its so cool. Well done.

  2. Cool trailer Sam. What makes you the Pyjama king?

  3. You boys worked well together to create this. So much fun and some good thinking and creativity too!

  4. Great video Josh, Sam, Henry and Liam. The idea of the pillow fight was great. Who came up with that idea? Keep up the great work you 4.

  5. You put together a video that is really well done
    keep up the good work:)

  6. Funny Samuel.
    It looks like you had a great time at camp.
    It also looks like you had lots of fun making this awesome movie with Josh,Liam and Henry!


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