Here is a Christmas wWonderland I made on enjoy.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Six second science video
Over the last couple of weeks I have been making a six second sience video here it is:
lava in a cup from Room16 Parkvale on Vimeo.
lava in a cup from Room16 Parkvale on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Ninja Pig
The new animal, Ninja Pig has formed and did you know that he can do a triple back flip kick? Ninja Pig is Spider Pig’s brother ( the Movie star off the Simpsons), so don’t mess with Ninja Pig!!!
Ninja Pig is made out of a Ninja and a Pig, When you put them together it makes, Ninja Pig. Ninja Pig comes from a galaxy way up in space. He sleeps at day and karate chops at night. If you come across ninja pig he will karate chop your head off and backwards kick your arms off for his midnight snack.
Ninja Pig is not afraid of anything except for light, so always take a torch when you go out at night. This creature is rare but will strike without warning so next time you go out at night remember a light or Ninja Pig with strike. He approaches without a sign and is as heavy as a full bottle of wine.
Ninja pig is round and has a black suit with red flames around the outside of his suit. The flamed suit is indestructible and he carries his machete and Ak47 on his belt, he uses them to kill his enemies. If you see him put his hand in his mouth, you’re dead! It is special poison that only ninja pigs can survive you will die instantly.
Ninja Pig’s main diet is humans, but when he gets sick of human flesh he moves onto takeaways. You might see him at Carls Junior, McDonald's, Burger king, Mac's fish & chips, KFC and his favourite is Westermans.
When he catches you he kills you and takes the blood, eye balls and testicals out and freezes them for an ice block. Next time you go out and about be sure to watch out for Ninja Pig.
Written by me and Josh
Centripetal Force
I predict that the faster you go the lighter it will get and the less water will spill. the water will stay at the side on the side at the back. If you spin it fast enough it he gravity should not harm the water.
Variables we must control:
each bucket filled to the 2 mark to ensure they have the same amount of water.
spin the same direction.
make sure they are bothe the same size.
to make sure the object weighs the same.
so they start the same and finish the same.
everybody holds it on the same angle.
You hold the bucket exactly on the same angle and spin around holden the bucket inwards haveing a look aat the water. You have to try and keep as much water as you can in your bucket. All you need is a bucket and water.
Was your prediction correct? I was correct except for when I thought it would go to the back but it just stayed still. What happened and why?The centripetal force kept it still inside the bucket. The faster you spun the lighter it went the more it wanted to fall out and the gravity made it hard to start to lift the bucket at the start.
Yay I am doing it |
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Boat or Submarine
Boat or Submarine
Question/Goal/ problem
What shape of container will hold the most weight ?
Hypothesis ** Our shape is like a long rectangle and we think it will be good because it is quite wide because it will carry more coins.
Container filled with water, modelling clay, old coins
Method Create a boat out of modelling clay.
I Fill the container with water.
Place the boat carefully onto the water so it floats.
One at a time , put coins carefully into the boat . Count how many coins are in the boat before it sinks.
Observation/ Analyse (What happened and why I think it happened)
**Our shape held 6 coins but then it sunk because it wasn't big enough and it was a bit too thick and it was to heavy
I think the wider the better and the thinner the better. The pefect boat (Just about.) |
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Ballon Rocket
Balloon rocket
It will fly like a rocket
balloon, tape, 2 stable objects, string
It went flying across the nylon and it moved all the air out the small gap to push all the air out and it moved like a rocket.
The air from the back of the balloon pushes against the stable objects. Does Air have Weight?
Did you Think air has weight?
My prediction: NO because it floats.
While I am going to tell you, yes it does it has about 15 pounds of weight in the air. If you were like me and thought it didn’t you are wrong.
ruler (maybe two)
straight newspaper
and a firm karate chop
Here is my explanation:
you put the ruler half on a table and scrunch a piece a paper when you karate chop the ruler and the paper up because their was air under it. When you lay the paper flat no air is under so it will snap the ruler (hopefully.) When you just have a ruler halfway on the table it flings a bit like something in a catapult. Woah Crighton you have three arms!!! |
Did I break it? |
Monday, November 04, 2013
Race a speed boat
Race a Speedboat
Can you make a paper boat race across the water just by gently touching the surface of the water?
when you touch the dish washing liquid it water it will bubble and make the boat move.
Coloured card, washing up liquid, pencil or sharpie, scissors, large container of water.
we cut out a shape for our boat then we filled our bucket so it was a quarter fill. Then we but our boat in the water and put a touch of dish washing liquid on our finger and we slowly put it in and we broke the surface tension to move the boat.
We put our hand in and broke the surface tension to move the boat. broke the surface tension to move the boat.
We broke the surface tension to make the boat move. The water that didn't break pulled the boat
Short Experiment to Follow Up
Make Metal Float
Gently place a paperclip on the water’s surface.
It does float because you carefully remove your hand and it will float but if you don't it will sink.
It does float because you carefully remove your hand and it will float but if you don't it will sink.
When Henry removed his hand it broke the surface of the water.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
My year so far in Room 16 by Sam
My year so far in Room 16 by Sam
My favourite thing about being in Room 16 in 2013 was having an awesome teacher and awesome classmates.
Something I would like to do in term four is rock n roll, young leader camp and yr 6 camp.
Something I would like to do next year is if I go to Hastings go skiing on Mount Ruapehu.
My dream job would be an All Black or be a Judge.
The best thing about reading so far this year is all the exiting books like Hatchet.
The best thing I read this year was series of Tom Gates. I love these books. 
This is my favourite reading blog post that I created. I chose it because it sums up the amazing book hatchet
This is my favourite reading post from someone else. I think it is awesome because I Like how he used voicethread. He has been an amazing leader too.
The best thing about maths so far this year is mathletics it is very fun
I was most proud of learning all my ties tables to 12. I was proud because it will come in handy in the future
This is my favourite maths post from someone else. I think it is awesome because he got 25 most days exept for two.
I am really good at Mathletics
I want to get better at Algebra
The best thing about writing so far this year is all the amazing peices of writing that I created
I was most proud of learning all the new words that I have learnt.
This is my favourite writing blog post that I created. I chose it because I think it is very exciting.
This is my favourite writing post from someone else. I think it is awesome because it is so interesting.
I am really good at imagine writing
I want to get better at reports
Integrated Topic
My favourite part of topic has been all the art. I enjoyed it because I like drawing
This is my favourite topic blog post that I created. I chose it because it tasted very nice and was fun to make.
This is my favourite topic post from someone else. I think it is awesome because he explained it very well and the picture looks amazing
School Involvement
Volleyball, Mini ball, Rugby, Cricket, Canoe Polo, Rippa Rugby, Touch, Inter School Cross Country, Inter School athletics,Inter School Swimming, Inter School Triathlon (maybe), Young Leader, Kapa Haka, Swimming training, riverdale exchange , sports achiever
How I Have Shown PRIDE
Personal Best: working to finish my mathletic poster finished
Respect and Responsibility: when me and josh helped cowden
Integrity: be honest
Determination:running at interschool cross country
Enjoyment: seeing my friends every day
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Air Exists
Container ( filled with H2O)
paper towel
My Prediction:
Because the pressure on the paper towel to keep it dry
If you scrunch the paper up tight so it is small when you put the jar with the paper in the water the paper will just fill out but if you scrunch the paper up a little bit and put it the jar it will stick to the jar and the air cousin will keep it dry.
The explanation:
So when you scrunch the paper tightly when you put it down it just fills to the bottom and when you bring the cup up it just falls out. But if you scrunch the paper a little bit it sticks to the side and the air cousin keeps all the water out so when you bring it up it sticks to the side. But why does the little paper gets wet when the air cushion stops the big paper? Because when you bring it up the gravity pushes it down into the bucket of water.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
My Movie from Room16 Parkvale on Vimeo.
over the last couple of weeks Avengers 2
have reading Hatchet and each chapter we have
been filling out assignments there were connector,
Illustrator, Word Master,Summariser, Passage Picker
and Discussion Director. Here is a movie maker of the
assignments I have done.
As I walk through the forest at Zealandia I found two weta hotels, one weta hotel had a massive weta. Next we come to all these sounds of all the different sounds of the birds we have to try and find. The first bird we have to find is a small black duck and I found two while we were walking along the bridge to the Takahe enclosure. But sadly we didn't find any Takahes. Then while are walking on the track we saw these enclosure for little green Geckos, we found 3. Then we saw the kakas being fed there was five of them. Shortly we were walking up the track and we came to a suspension bridge every time I jumped on it it wobbled. We were walking back then we come to the Tuatara enclosure and a couple of steps along the fence we saw a tuatara sun bathing we carry on walking but we don’t find another tuatara. Here are some photos of the kaka and the tuatara. I just about had one of a bell bird but Matthew spoke because he thought I had taken it.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Yachting refection day 4
This is my Powtoon of yachting reflection for day 4 .Enjoy!!
The Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal
in the 17th century (1600’s) There was a building built by the Indian emperor Shah Jahan it was built for an tomb and he called it the Taj Mahal. It was built out of white marbles so that every time the sun changed so did the marbles . He built it for his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal. It was completely symmetrical, it was 81 metres high that is the same as a 20 story house. It had a massive entrance and no vehicles were allowed in with fuel. There was a mosc on the left side and a mosc on the right that was completely symmetric. When The emperor's wife died The in 1629 giving birth the emperor hired 27,000 men to make the Taj Mahal and it took 18 years.It was built on the banks of the scared Jumna river.
Here are some videos of the Taj Mahal
Gandhi movie
This is the Gandhi movie that room 16 made for the art expidition. I am Vallabhbai Patel, Teva is Mohandas Gandhi, Crowd is the rest of room 16, narrator 1 is Hannah, narrator 2 is Ben/Crighton, Lily was Kasturbui, Manu was Dylan and Manibehn was Jessica. ENJOY!!!!!
Reflection for The Gandhi Movie
Reflection for The Gandhi Movie
Something I was pleased with was how fluent I spoke throughout the whole movie.
I really enjoyed learning all about Gandhi and Patel because I thought it was quite interesting.
Something that made me think was when was it my line because sometimes I got confused.
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